The votes are in for the Nodpot of the Year, so only a few more days to go before I am crowned winner! Can't wait.
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
Monday, December 18, 2006
I will not tolerate arguments
on my blog, especially ones from cowardly people who will not post under their own name and give out about dear Pamela. I will not have Pamela bothered. If you dare to insult her integrity, take it up with Marvin and the other Nodpots who honoured her with the great task of picking Noddy of the year. I know Pamela will be totally impartial and correct. I will delete any more posts that cast spurious doubt on that. I've my angry face on. Don't mess with me, anon, when I have my angry face on. I might set Tottie on you.
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Nodpot of the Year
I heard that the Nodpot of the Year nominations were distributed this week and the voting was done on Sunday. I am a bit peeved at that, because I am in Dublin at the moment and the voting took place in Blackrock. However, thankfully, Nobbles was my proxy. I know I can trust him to have voted right. Pamela is counting the votes and I know she will make sure everything is above board. No more fixes this year. The rightful winner (me) will win this year, no more fixes in Iseult's favour!
Friday, December 01, 2006
Sunday, November 26, 2006
We have gone where we are appreciated
There are alot of animated movies about animals out at the moment (or about to come out) Barnyard, Flushed Away, Ratatouille, Happy Feet, Surfs Up, (to name a few) and I am thinking:-
1. Why are monkey's so under represented? Apart from Curious George, there are no monkey moveis.
2. Leaf would make a brilliant animated movie, why isn't it being snapped up?
The world is blind. My genius is wasted on humans. That is why we have all left to go somewhere we will be appreciated. Don't try to find us, but remember to vote for me in December.
1. Why are monkey's so under represented? Apart from Curious George, there are no monkey moveis.
2. Leaf would make a brilliant animated movie, why isn't it being snapped up?
The world is blind. My genius is wasted on humans. That is why we have all left to go somewhere we will be appreciated. Don't try to find us, but remember to vote for me in December.
Saturday, November 11, 2006
Life is not fair
Iseult wouldn't let me write today. She hogged the laptop all to herself, and Valerie hogged the desktop all day.
I didn't get any writing done.
Wish I had stayed in Blackrock.
I didn't get any writing done.
Wish I had stayed in Blackrock.
Friday, November 10, 2006
Dublin Write-In
As you may have noticed, my word count for Mango, the Unlucky Monkey has not really risen all that much in the last week. I blame Iseult for hogging the lap top, despite booking user time on it. She says I have writers block (as if!) and should just get on with it! The cheek! She thinks I am worried I can't write another book as good as Leaf and that I am afraid to write Mango because everyone will laugh at me and point their fingers. I think this is a delusional fantasy of Iseult's. If anything, I am afraid that Mango will be SO GOOD the world isn't ready for it yet.
Anyway, agreed to go to Dublin with Iseult and Janna to do some writing. Iseult says she isn't bringing me home until I've reached the word count I should have by this time (whatever that is). She says I am letting the region down by not writing and making her look bad as ML (as if I cared about that!)
I've taken Miss Monkey with me for moral support.
Anyway, agreed to go to Dublin with Iseult and Janna to do some writing. Iseult says she isn't bringing me home until I've reached the word count I should have by this time (whatever that is). She says I am letting the region down by not writing and making her look bad as ML (as if I cared about that!)
I've taken Miss Monkey with me for moral support.
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
NaNoWriMo Meeting
I went along to the NaNoWriMo meeting in the DKIT last night. I felt a little shy because there were no other monkeys there and I didn't know all the people, but they all loved me, of course, and thought my novel sounded wonderful and wanted to hear excerpts from it. Inkpot very cruelly said I was lying about my age (as if!) and some other person, can't remember her name (I think it was Despot, or Polpot, or something like that) made a horrible suggestion about my book, saying Rainbow should become Mayor and Leaf run off with Mango and have adventures. I thought it was very disrespectful. I am not going to do that, and I don't want anyone sueing me for not using or using their ideas. I am involved in enough litigations suits as it is.
However, the meeting helped me realise my word count is quite far behind. It was nice of me to let them get ahead this week, because I wouldn't want to discourage people, but it is time I started to do some real writing. I might get up to 20,000 words by the end of the day (I might not feel like it) you never know. Watch this space.
However, the meeting helped me realise my word count is quite far behind. It was nice of me to let them get ahead this week, because I wouldn't want to discourage people, but it is time I started to do some real writing. I might get up to 20,000 words by the end of the day (I might not feel like it) you never know. Watch this space.
Thursday, November 02, 2006
How do you solve a problem like a sequel?
Writing Mango is proving hard than I anticipated. Now, I know that writing is easy, but I haven't done any for a couple of months and I am out of practice. Also, it is harder to write a sequel - having to reintroduce characters and give backstory and such - than it is to write an original novel. Being reduced to a monkey-cle doesn't help either.
Oh well, on to bigger and hopefully warmer things tomorrow.
Oh well, on to bigger and hopefully warmer things tomorrow.
Baby, it's cold in here!
Borrowing Iseult's ( or Pudgy White Fingers, as I sometimes call her) laptop for writing and her den is absolutely freezing! I am a monkey, I am used to (and expect) a warm climate. I must insist that she either gets a heater into this place or moves the laptop downstairs where I can write in the relative warmth, like a civilised person. How can I tap into my muse when my paws - and, more importantly, my massive brain - are frozen? Darn Irish weather, wish I was in New Zealand.
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
Mango: The Unlucky Monkey
An unlucky start for Mango. First Iseult didn't relinquish the laptop on time (and she had promised) and then the nanowrimo site was running slow and then there were a myriad other distractions, so didn't get as much done as I wanted and it didn't go as well as I had hoped.
Will make up for it at the weekend.
Note to self - change Iseult's diary so that I get the earlier slot in the afternoon. Let her give up her evenings to writing.
Will make up for it at the weekend.
Note to self - change Iseult's diary so that I get the earlier slot in the afternoon. Let her give up her evenings to writing.
Feast of All Saints (or All Hallows)
A wonderful feast day in the Church's calendar.
Also the day that National Novel Writing Starts.
I had my slot booked in to use the laptop from 6 - 8 (need to use the laptop so I can access the net and update my word count and, of course, my blog) but Iseult got delayed (can't keep to a deadline for ANYTHING, that girl) and I am only starting writing now. I still want to be finished by 8, so I will have to type fast.
Can be done.
Also the day that National Novel Writing Starts.
I had my slot booked in to use the laptop from 6 - 8 (need to use the laptop so I can access the net and update my word count and, of course, my blog) but Iseult got delayed (can't keep to a deadline for ANYTHING, that girl) and I am only starting writing now. I still want to be finished by 8, so I will have to type fast.
Can be done.
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
All hallows eve
Greetings all. I don't believe in this pagan nonsense of witches and ghosts, but I do respect the eve of the great feast of All Saints. The Feast of All Saints also happens to fall on the 1st of November, which everybody knows is the start of (inter)national novel writing month. (if you don't know about national novel month, how is that rock you were living under?) Anyway, as my fans will know, tomorrow being the 1st of November means that I will be starting my second book in the Leaf series (I'm planning 12/13 books) titled Mango. If there is anything you want to see in Mango, drop me a comment and you never know - I might put it in! (if I don't put it into Mango, the unlucky monkey, I will be sure to put it into one of my other books. Tottie, the demon rabbit slayer perhaps).
Monday, October 23, 2006
Praise for Mango and Tottie
This is just a shout out to my Mungo-Bot, Mango and her best friend Tottie who are working very hard in Dublin on my campaign for Nodpot of the Year! Keep up the great work, girls! There will be prizes for you at my victory party on December 31st.
Friday, October 20, 2006
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
Are you voting for Mungo?
I have no intention of being eaten
Just to set the record straight, the rumours following Leppie's endorsement yesterday do not mean he is going to eat me. As far as I am aware, he has never eaten a monkey and has no intention to start. He much prefers dogs. Anyway, Mango and Tottie would beat him up if he did eat me. So no, dear fans and devoted voters, I will not be eaten. I will still be here when the nominations are announced and the week of voting opened (first or second week of December) and I will continue to be here for a very long time to come (what is the point of winning Nodpot of the Year if I am living inside of Leppie's tummy?).
Anyway, rest assured, I'm not going anywhere!
Anyway, rest assured, I'm not going anywhere!
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Are you voting for Mungo?
Monday, October 16, 2006
Leaf in paperback!

Are you voting for Mungo?
Monday, October 09, 2006
Famous names get you published
Some people have suggested to me that if I added a famous surname to my already fantastic first name, I would get an agent quicker (for example, Celia Ahern). Some else suggested Haughey (as in the late Charlie Haughey) and said I should call myself Charlie's monkey child. Who could resist an author with that name? I don't know, what do you think?
Leaf in Hardback!
It is an exciting day. A new age has dawned. The world will never be the same again. LEAF IS NOW IN HARDBACK!

Thanks to the services of lulu.com, my wonderful work is now available in hardback format and soon, paperback. Just in time for the Christmas market. I haven't set up my storefront on Lulu yet, but you can order through my blog or email me. Hardback is 23.69 (euros) and paperback will be 12.24 euro. Cheap at twice the price. Watch out for Mango, the unlucky monkey in March 2007!

Watched the repeat of Turbidy Tonight last night (I know, I've reached a new low) and John Connolly was on. I had never heard of him, but apparently he is the nicest man in crime fiction. Anyway, he got 70 rejections for his first book, but has gone on to become a rich and famous author. I wonder will I go on Turbidy Tonight when I am rich and famous?
Sunday, October 08, 2006
Mango's Progress
Did some more work on Mango (the book, not the monkey) today. I have most of the plotline worked out and only have to do a little bit more work for the end of the book. It is going great. I think this book is going to be even better than Leaf, if that is possible!
Saturday, October 07, 2006
Friday, October 06, 2006
26 days to go
Popped over to Iseult's snore fest and saw that she has started a new boring blog - her nanowrimo blog, even more boring than her *laugh* writing one. She has titled her novel 7 days in hell, I think she is being optimistic to think she can write her book in 7 days. I think 30 days in hell will be a more accurate description of her November experience. Of course, it won't be like that for me. Quite the opposite in fact, I imagine. Can't wait!
Thursday, October 05, 2006
Mango, the unlucky monkey
Spent yesterday, last night and this morning writing up the plot for Mango. I am so confident I can beat Iseult, I am tempted to write two books to her one! However, that might upset her (being beaten so badly) so I might just keep to one.
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
Just changed my blog to the new beta version. It seems pretty cool and user friendly. Now, I wonder what changes I can make around here *looks around and rubs paws together*
November is approaching
For the past two years, Iseult has spent the month of November in a crazy scramble of writing, trying to beat her friend Katie to a 50,000 word count and failing miserably each time. Well, I think I could beat her (Iseult) easily, so I think I will write Mango; The Unlucky Monkey (the sequel to Leaf) for November and see if I can beat Iseult to the word goal. I must take out my notebook and do some work on the plot and characters to get me ready for November 1st.
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
Practical jokes
Practical Jokes - ha!, the term joke is used loosely - are a terrible evil and should never have been unleashed upon the world when Pandora opened her stupid box. Tottie, who I consider a friend, just played a horrible joke on me. She posted a horrible, frightening picture of herself on Mango's website with her ears chopped off, sitting on a blood soaked chair. And she was smiling! Anyway, I can't tell you how upset I was, and angry at whoever was to blame. Thankfully, Tottie admitted to her joke and posted a picture of herself and Mango a short time later. It was a very mean thing to do. I still haven't recovered. Tomorrow I will post a pictorial post of the gamut of emotions I went through.
Monday, September 18, 2006
Thursday, September 14, 2006
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
Top marks go to Sarah Manson Literary Agent for her prompt and polite rejection of Leaf : -
'Thank you for your submission which was so beautifully presented.'
Now, that wasn't hard to say, was it? If every rejection letter was so thoughtful, it would take the sting out of hearing 'NO' all the time.
Thanks Sarah for putting in the extra effort to be thoughtful.
'Thank you for your submission which was so beautifully presented.'
Now, that wasn't hard to say, was it? If every rejection letter was so thoughtful, it would take the sting out of hearing 'NO' all the time.
Thanks Sarah for putting in the extra effort to be thoughtful.
Friday, August 11, 2006
To the chocolate monster and my other loyal fans...
I am leaving on my holidays in the morning, and it will be a week before I blog again. I know the separation will be hard, but I will be thinking of you while I enjoying myself, and I may even shed a tear at all the pearls of wisdom you are missing. Remember, the words of a slightly less talented author than I, 'parting is such sweet sorrow.'
Take care, and til we meet again!
Take care, and til we meet again!
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
Mungo's list
Mungo went on holidays and he brought with him: -
1. Special formula white monkey 'ape shine' shampoo.
2. Special formula white monkey 'ape shine' conditioner
3. Special formula white monkey 'ape shine expert' all over body mask
4. Loofa
5. Fluffy slippers
6. Bathrobe
7. Comb
8. Fluffy monogramed bath towel
9. Mango and peach scented bubble bath for spa bath
10. Snuggle tight lavendar scented pillow
11. Banana holder and week long supply of bananas
12. mirror
13. mp3 with my favourite motivational sentences (spoken by me)
14. Pen and paper (for making notes on my brilliance)
15. A selection for books suitable for my genius
16. A selection of puzzle books to while away the time
17. A selection of inspirational posters, featuring my face and quotes from me
18. 'au de monkey' air freshener
19. A selection of movies (starring myself)
20. A selection of music (Mungo's best)
That is just my starter list. I'm wondering if I should take one enormous suitcase or two medium sized ones?
By the way, I won't be blogging while I'm on hols. I know you will suffer without my daily drops of wisdom, but absence makes the heart grow fonder (if possible).
1. Special formula white monkey 'ape shine' shampoo.
2. Special formula white monkey 'ape shine' conditioner
3. Special formula white monkey 'ape shine expert' all over body mask
4. Loofa
5. Fluffy slippers
6. Bathrobe
7. Comb
8. Fluffy monogramed bath towel
9. Mango and peach scented bubble bath for spa bath
10. Snuggle tight lavendar scented pillow
11. Banana holder and week long supply of bananas
12. mirror
13. mp3 with my favourite motivational sentences (spoken by me)
14. Pen and paper (for making notes on my brilliance)
15. A selection for books suitable for my genius
16. A selection of puzzle books to while away the time
17. A selection of inspirational posters, featuring my face and quotes from me
18. 'au de monkey' air freshener
19. A selection of movies (starring myself)
20. A selection of music (Mungo's best)
That is just my starter list. I'm wondering if I should take one enormous suitcase or two medium sized ones?
By the way, I won't be blogging while I'm on hols. I know you will suffer without my daily drops of wisdom, but absence makes the heart grow fonder (if possible).
Monday, August 07, 2006
So much to do, so little time?
Only four days to go before my holidays and I have a lot to do. I think there might be a Nodpot meeting in Donegal (I hope not, I am planning on having fun!) so I better get Bookwryms finished and I have to make sure Iseult posts my next three submission packages this week (she didn't do it either Thursday or Friday and she kept on coming up with stupid excuses. She better do it tomorrow). Anyway, along with that I have to pack and do other things - better get started so!
Friday, August 04, 2006
Map of the Animal Kingdom

Iseult drew this map (to my specifications, of course) of the Kingdom of Animals yesterday. I'm sending it out with my submission package. It is nice and colourful, a little childish, but not too bad. Of course, I would have done a better job drawing it myself, but I didn't have the heart to say no to Iseult. Let's see how it goes with the agents.
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
Welcome back Chocolate Monster!
Greetings to the Chocolate Monster. Hope you had a good holiday stuffing your face with choccie. I am glad you liked the picture of Doggie. Don't worry, I have recovered from my injuries. I wasn't shot, but I got a bad concussion. The investigation is still open. Keep supporting my blog!
Monday, July 31, 2006
And how was your weekend?
I had a good weekend, thanks. On advice from friends, I have decided to leave Leaf as it is (for the moment) and send it out again to some more agents and publishers.
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
Writing is going well, I am pleased with my progress on Bookwyrms. I got another rejection in this week. Iseult went nuts, saying I have to edit the book down to 40,000 words or I won't get an agent. She was really passionate about it. Now, I believe in my work, and I don't think it needs to be changed, but she was so charged up about it, I hate to disappoint her. I don't know what to do. I've started reading Leaf again to see if there is any dead wood to be cut away (ha!ha! Of course there isn't!) Looking forward to starting Mango (the name of my second book, perhaps?)
Friday, July 21, 2006
Relax - I'm fine!
There is a lot of buzz going around about an accident I had the other day. I don't really remember what happened, it is all a blur, but I got a little bump on my head. After a day of recovering I am now back to normal and I have started working on my script again. It is going really well and I hope to have it finished soon.
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
Writing is easy
I have some projects on my paws at the moment: -
1. Bookwryms (comedy script) about 1/3 complete
2. Second Leaf book (in development)
3. Possible Leaf short story
Taking it that writing is easy, any bets on which I will finish first?
What? No takers?
1. Bookwryms (comedy script) about 1/3 complete
2. Second Leaf book (in development)
3. Possible Leaf short story
Taking it that writing is easy, any bets on which I will finish first?
What? No takers?
Monday, July 17, 2006
The weather is against me
It has been so warm and sunny the last few days and I just can't sit down at the keyboard and write. Writing is a winter sport. The sun is shining, the wind is rustling through the trees and the outside is calling me... calling me with it's sweet song. Come Mungo, cry the trees, Come and climb us. Come Mungo, coaxes the wind, Let me ruffle your silver white fur. Come Mungo, beams the sun, let me warm you.
Now, wouldn't I be rude if I didn't spend some time with the trees, wind and sun?
Besides, when I am not outside, there is always tv to be watched, playstation to be played and Marvin to be bated.
Writing is easy, but playing outside is more fun!
Now, wouldn't I be rude if I didn't spend some time with the trees, wind and sun?
Besides, when I am not outside, there is always tv to be watched, playstation to be played and Marvin to be bated.
Writing is easy, but playing outside is more fun!
Sunday, July 16, 2006
A Poem
As I am compelled to up date every day (or bad things will happen) and as the poetry bug is going around, I thought I would add my two cent (being Euro cent, as opposed to the U.S and their cents)
Mungo is my name
and writing is my game
I never write the same
story twice.
I'm handsome, I'm not vain
I hate to be in pain
I'm impossible to tame
and I'm nice.
Mungo is my name
and writing is my game
I never write the same
story twice.
I'm handsome, I'm not vain
I hate to be in pain
I'm impossible to tame
and I'm nice.
Saturday, July 15, 2006
I have been thinking of writing a short story with Leaf, perhaps horror themed and maybe some zombie monkeys in it. Iseult thinks I am stupid to keep on writing, but I have seen through her efforts to prevent my genuis getting to the world. What do my fans think?
Friday, July 14, 2006
Hello Doggie!
Hi Doggie, thanks for the lovely poem you left in my comments the other day. In case you didn't catch it, here it is: -
Mungo your writing is so brill
i sure think that all the agents are sill
i am looking forward to the next tale
and i know you will get lots of fan mail
So come on Mungo please start your quill
and then everthing will be very brill
Very well put and very correct sentiments. You must have written poetry before. I would encourage you to write more, Doggie. Perhaps you could emphasise other sides of my talent, such as my looks, intelligence, athletic ability, judging skills or acting prowess.
Mungo your writing is so brill
i sure think that all the agents are sill
i am looking forward to the next tale
and i know you will get lots of fan mail
So come on Mungo please start your quill
and then everthing will be very brill
Very well put and very correct sentiments. You must have written poetry before. I would encourage you to write more, Doggie. Perhaps you could emphasise other sides of my talent, such as my looks, intelligence, athletic ability, judging skills or acting prowess.
Mango Muses
My little mungo-bot has started up her own blog. It is good, although it could be more about me, but I am sure it will be when she finds her paws. I think she could have called it the Mungo fan club, or everybody loves Mungo, or something like that, but maybe she wanted to ask me first. Anyway, I will set up a link today and you should all go visit her page and see a really cute picture of me on it.
Thursday, July 13, 2006
The green eyed monster raises its ugly head
Iseult came into the bedroom late last night and came over to where I was sitting chatting to Marvie. She sat down on the bed and said "Mungo, I think we should talk." She then proceeded to tell me that she feels LEAF isn't commercial and I shouldn't bother writing a second book as it would be a waste of my time! I laughed at her silliness, naturally, but when I thought about it later I realised she is jealous. She must fear that my books will sell so much better than hers that she is trying to nobble me (and I don't mean she is throwing Nobbles at me). I suppose I should feel sorry for her, really, she is quite pathetic. She also told me she had sent the letter from my submission package to an editor to proof read and heard back that the letter was perfectly acceptable. I don't know if she was looking for me to pat her on the back and say "Well done, your submission package isn't rubbish after all." but why would I say that when it is?
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
Slightly miffed
Saw a poem by Tottie (superrabbit) on Iseult's blog. Feeling slightly put out. She has never put a poem on my blog. It was very good, Tottie.
Monday, July 10, 2006
To all my adoring fans...
HELLO! Greetings, and welcome to a new week. I hope you are enjoying it so far. I plan to get back to my script this week. There was an extraordinary annual meeting of the Nodpots last night to celebrate the ninth anniversary. No points were calculated, so I was NOT penalized for not having finished the script. Looks like there is going to be a new Nodpot website now that we have our own domain name. I am sure Marvin will come looking for my advice. I was talking to Mango and Tottie about Leaf over the weekend. They thought it would be a good idea to include a map and character sketches in my submission package, so I must get working on them too. Iseult is getting too big for her boots. She announced to me at lunch time today that Leaf was too long and that I must cut it back to 40,000 words. The cheek of her! Give someone a laptop and they think they are a writer! I told Mango and Tottie the plot of my second book - The Unlucky Monkey. They loved it (of course!) I am looking forward to starting it.
Friday, July 07, 2006
Tomorrow, Mango, I will take over the world
The more I think about it, the more it seems like a good idea to start my next Leaf book. I think I will call it The Unlucky Monkey (working title). Have to finish the screen play first, of course.
Thursday, July 06, 2006
And the good news is...
I will start back writing my screen play next week, which means I will probably finish it next week (the Nodpot weekend, to celebrate the 9th anniversary, is on the 15th and 16th, so I have to get it finished by then anyway). I've been thinking a lot about my second Leaf book - the one with Mango in it. I have a good idea for the plot and the first few chapters planned out in my head. I was going to wait until November to start it, try my hand at National Novel Writing Month, but maybe I will start it sooner. I don't know, this whole thing with Iseult writing full time has put my nose out of joint. There is only room for one full time writer in the house at a time, and it was ME! I can hear her - well, actually I can't, but I can imagine - typing away on that laptop upstairs and chuckling away. It is very distracting! Those pudgy white fingers (or pwf) slapping over the keys. Anyway, I am bigger than this. I am better than this. I am more talented than this. I am MUNGO! Writing is easy!.
Tuesday, July 04, 2006
Apology accepted
I am not sure who the culprit is - some blame Leppie, others blame Alemap (I think it is more likely to be Alemap myself. If I had been asked to prepare dog meat with pepper sauce, I would think it was Leppie, but he isn't that into cleaning and ironing) but I am not sure. In any case, I accept your apology and I am glad that you are sorry for your actions.
Had a webchat with Mango and Tottie last night. It was great to see them.
Marvin has banned me from Iseult's office. He says I am a distraction. Ha! As if! However, that suits me fine. I am more than happy to use the desk top in the bedroom for my creation. What I am not so happy about is that the Nodpot cup has gone up stairs to the office. Maybe when I win it this year I will get the office with it too?
Marvin has been very slow setting up the new website.
Anyway, better think about doing this writing thing again. Mmm.. it is sunny outside. Maybe I'll leave it for the moment.
Had a webchat with Mango and Tottie last night. It was great to see them.
Marvin has banned me from Iseult's office. He says I am a distraction. Ha! As if! However, that suits me fine. I am more than happy to use the desk top in the bedroom for my creation. What I am not so happy about is that the Nodpot cup has gone up stairs to the office. Maybe when I win it this year I will get the office with it too?
Marvin has been very slow setting up the new website.
Anyway, better think about doing this writing thing again. Mmm.. it is sunny outside. Maybe I'll leave it for the moment.
Monday, July 03, 2006
No laughing matter
I think some people are mocking me. I would like to name and shame them, but while they have left comments they haven't been brave enough to leave their true identity. So you think washing, cleaning and ironing are harder than writing, do you? They certainly aren't as much fun. I've never been so insulted in my life. I'll set my mungo-bots are you - just give me your name first, please.
Saturday, July 01, 2006
Going nowhere fast
Well, I heard back from another agent last week, and it was another rejection. I am beginning to wonder if Iseult's submission package is up to scratch. Valerie and Iseult keep telling me I can't expect to get any interest so soon, and I respect their views, but I don't think my submission package is helping me get my brilliance across to the agents. Iseult usually goes ahead and sends it out again straight away, but she hasn't this time because she was tired (she had some silly acting thing on this week), so I am thinking of taking advantage in this lull and asking Mango to do up a new submission package for me. I know she would be dedicated, I am sure she would be talented and really - how bad could it be? It can't really be any worse than Iseult's attempt at it.
My screenplay is going nowhere at the moment as well. I have two acts finished, and I have to finish the remaining three before the next Nodpot meeting, which is sometime this month. It will be no bother to me, once I get writing again. I must look through my notes and try and get immersed once again...
the problem is, I'm just not feeling bothered at the moment.
My screenplay is going nowhere at the moment as well. I have two acts finished, and I have to finish the remaining three before the next Nodpot meeting, which is sometime this month. It will be no bother to me, once I get writing again. I must look through my notes and try and get immersed once again...
the problem is, I'm just not feeling bothered at the moment.
Sunday, June 25, 2006
I'm back
Hello all, I'm back again! Took a little holiday with MM and then visited Mango in Dublin, so I haven't done any writing in ages, but that is all about to change!
The next Nodpot meeting is around the 27th July, so I have about a month left to finish my screen play.
The next Nodpot meeting is around the 27th July, so I have about a month left to finish my screen play.
Wednesday, June 07, 2006
Muffin RIP
Monday, May 29, 2006
Well, I heard back from the agent today. They are going to pass on Leaf. They were pretty prompt too - took two weeks to receive, read and post back their reply to me, I would have got it quicker if I'd put enough postage onto my envelope! Anyway, their loss. I'll print off my next submission package tonight and post it out again tomorrow.
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
Happy Mango Day!
Just wanted to give a big shout out to the best mungobot in the world - Mango! Hope you are having a good time in the big city.
Monday, May 22, 2006
Picture of me
Well, I've changed my blog clock to the correct settings, and now you will all see I'm not such an early bird after all - or maybe I haven't changed the clock correctly, and I really do get up at 5am to type! haha! What do you believe?
A lot has happened
Well, last Wednesday Dermot (that's Iseult's brother) said he had been in contact with his publisher friend, and he said send my novel in, so I spent the whole of Wednesday evening printing it out and writing my letter and printing out a really cool postcard for confirmation of receipt. Iseult posted if for me on Thursday morning, so I've another important date to put in my diary!
This Tuesday (tomorrow) it will be four weeks since I sent my submission package to the agent. I'll begin watching the post seriously from tomorrow. Heehee!
I have a website now! Iseult was working on hers, and I asked her to do one for me, so she has done up a couple of pages about me and my book. Check it out, the link is on the right. It looks quite cool, but of course, when I am a famous author, I will get professionals to design a cool new website for me!
Some readers have commented on the times I write my posts. While I get up early, I don't get up THAT early! Sorry to disillusion you, but there is something wrong with the setting of my blog clock. Maybe it is set for the wrong time zone or something.
This Tuesday (tomorrow) it will be four weeks since I sent my submission package to the agent. I'll begin watching the post seriously from tomorrow. Heehee!
I have a website now! Iseult was working on hers, and I asked her to do one for me, so she has done up a couple of pages about me and my book. Check it out, the link is on the right. It looks quite cool, but of course, when I am a famous author, I will get professionals to design a cool new website for me!
Some readers have commented on the times I write my posts. While I get up early, I don't get up THAT early! Sorry to disillusion you, but there is something wrong with the setting of my blog clock. Maybe it is set for the wrong time zone or something.
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
Pen alert!
Valerie's pens arrived yesterday and much as it pains me to admit, they are very nice. She gave one to all the Nodpots too, so she has stolen my thunder somewhat.
Haven't got news from my contact in the publishers yet, and Iseult left home AGAIN today without my book info. Ah well.
I'm thinking of starting up my own website about my book, so watch this space! How hard can it be?
Haven't got news from my contact in the publishers yet, and Iseult left home AGAIN today without my book info. Ah well.
I'm thinking of starting up my own website about my book, so watch this space! How hard can it be?
Monday, May 15, 2006
A journey of 1000 pages starts with the first word
Ok, so I've started my script and I'm writing like a maniac again! I've finished the first act, and I've discovered something - script writing is fun! I'm imagining all these little characters running around in my head, but it is thrilling to think that I might see them running around on the screen one day too! I'll work on the second act today, and I hope to be finished the whole thing soon. It isn't going to be that long - 25 - 30 minutes max.
My pens arrived last Wednesday and they are shiny! They look really nice, and I've given one to all the members of my writing group, hoping that it will help sweeten them up for voting me member of the year!
Iseult's brother has a contact in a publishing firm, and he is trying to get me to send my novel to them. I printed out a few details of my book, so that he could tell his publisher friend about it, but I see it lying in the printer. Iseult must have forgotten to take it with her this morning. Women!
My pens arrived last Wednesday and they are shiny! They look really nice, and I've given one to all the members of my writing group, hoping that it will help sweeten them up for voting me member of the year!
Iseult's brother has a contact in a publishing firm, and he is trying to get me to send my novel to them. I printed out a few details of my book, so that he could tell his publisher friend about it, but I see it lying in the printer. Iseult must have forgotten to take it with her this morning. Women!
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
A pen, a pen, my kingdom for a pen!
Just got confirmation today that my pens have shipped and should arrive before the end of the week. I'm dying to see them and hand them out to all of my mates!
Haven't started work on the script yet, enjoying the sunshine today too much (don't see much of it in Ireland). Must get working on it soon.
Haven't started work on the script yet, enjoying the sunshine today too much (don't see much of it in Ireland). Must get working on it soon.
Monday, May 08, 2006
To Name or not to Name, that is the question...
I've been thinking about the name of my book, and I think that the best title would be Leaf: In search of Rainbow. However, I'm not going to do any changes yet, as I still have to hear back from the agent (not that I'm hanging about the pc waiting for them to email or send me a letter or anything). Spent a few days with MM, which was great fun and very relaxing, but now that I am back home I suppose I should really crack on with my script. There was a Nodpot meeting last night, I couldn't attend (they didn't notify me in time anyway) and I hear that my task for the next meeting is to have the script finished - come on guys! It should be ok though, writing is easy and once I get started I should get it finished in no time.
Better get started so.
Still waiting on my pens (got some done with my picture on them to use for promotional purposes). I hope they arrive this week, but Iseult tells me they haven't even shipped yet. I'm dying to see them.
Better get started so.
Still waiting on my pens (got some done with my picture on them to use for promotional purposes). I hope they arrive this week, but Iseult tells me they haven't even shipped yet. I'm dying to see them.
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
So, dear reader, I sent it off...
Yup, I did, last week. Got Iseult to throw a submission package together for me, looked it over to make sure I approved, and got her to pop it in the post for me. The agent says they aim to reply within 6 - 8 weeks, so I won't be holding my breath. I already have a couple of ideas for the next two books, featuring Leaf and Rainbow and a new character, Mango. Oh yeah - I changed the name of the book too. Iseult was getting all annoyed that 'In Search of Ramune' was too much like 'In Search of the Moon' (her book) so - to please her - I changed the name to Leaf. I think it still sounds good. Ordered some pens with my picture on it. It will be nice to write with my own personalised stationary, and I can give them out to people when I'm networking. They should arrive in a week or so, so I am dying to see them.
In the meantime, I better get started on my script for Curly. He is a big chap, and I don't fancy him coming after me if I keep him waiting any longer!
In the meantime, I better get started on my script for Curly. He is a big chap, and I don't fancy him coming after me if I keep him waiting any longer!
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
Now that the partying is over...
I've decided to get down to work again and submit my book to some agents. I have my list of children's agents I would like to work with, I have my personalised stationary, and I have my first 4 chapters edited. All I need now is a killer synopsis and to jot down an author bio and away I go! Agents beware!
I was thinking of holding a competition among my friends to see who produced the best submission package, but they are so darn slow I think I will be even whiter by the time they have it done. It's a shame, because it would have been fun to see what they would write.
Read Valerie's book at the weekend. It's very good. It gave me some ideas for my second book. Heehee.
I was thinking of holding a competition among my friends to see who produced the best submission package, but they are so darn slow I think I will be even whiter by the time they have it done. It's a shame, because it would have been fun to see what they would write.
Read Valerie's book at the weekend. It's very good. It gave me some ideas for my second book. Heehee.
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
Publishers - v - Agents
Did some research yesterday into the publishing world. Borrowed Iseult's writer and artist book and had a look through the publishers section. I really want to submit to HarperCollins - they publish the same sort of book I've written and I love their format and stuff, but they only accept submissions through agents (or so the big red book told me). I don't really want to approach another agent, but I'll have a look through the agents section and see if any grab my fancy.
MM finished reading my book last night and she loved it! We stayed up most of the night discussing what the second book could be about. I've dedicated the first one to her - she is my muse! She is also going to help me with my contract and all the legal jargon, when they start arriving. She knows lots about that stuff.
MM finished reading my book last night and she loved it! We stayed up most of the night discussing what the second book could be about. I've dedicated the first one to her - she is my muse! She is also going to help me with my contract and all the legal jargon, when they start arriving. She knows lots about that stuff.
Monday, April 10, 2006
Finished my book last night, coming in at a little over 66,000 words, which is 16,000 more than I planned. It is all good stuff though, and I imagine it will stay in after the final edit. Gave it to my best friend to read, so it is really what she says whether I will go ahead as it is or rewrite it (so far, she likes it, so it looks like a go!) It is weird, I am a pretty confident chap, but when it comes to her opinions on things, I get all nervous! Another friend has offered to proof read the manuscript for me, and I thought I would let her work with some good fiction for a change. I hope she doesn't steal my ideas! Ha!Ha! Anyway, I felt sad finishing the book yesterday. It's three months of work and I really enjoyed writing it, it was sad saying good bye to the characters and wrapping it up. Of course, there is always room for sequels! I think I will have a few weeks break for Easter, and then I will think about sending out to publishers and starting my next project, which is a screenplay. I promised someone I would write them a screenplay before Christmas, so I better get my skates on or it will be Christmas again before I give it to them! I'm getting worried that with all this writing I'm becoming a boring fellow. I haven't spent as much time with my mates or played any games in ages. I don't want to become a boring author (even a boring, successful, rich published author). Mmm... will have to think about where this writing lark is leading me.
Monday, March 06, 2006
Agents RANT!!!
Did some research on the agent I submitted to, and found out it is decidedly dodgy - look up Literary Agency Group on http://www.anotherealm.com/prededitors/peall.htm (writers beware!)
Ok, so you're saying - "Mungo, you stupid monkey, why didn't you google the agency BEFORE you sent stuff to them?" Well, I've no answer to that. I'm just glad I found out in time.
Had meeting of my writing group last night - The Disresponsible Nodpots. They just don't appreciate my genuis :-) but the meeting went well.
Ok, so you're saying - "Mungo, you stupid monkey, why didn't you google the agency BEFORE you sent stuff to them?" Well, I've no answer to that. I'm just glad I found out in time.
Had meeting of my writing group last night - The Disresponsible Nodpots. They just don't appreciate my genuis :-) but the meeting went well.
Saturday, March 04, 2006
February Word Count
Just added up the words I wrote for February and found out it was a nice 15,000 + - not too bad for a little monkey! I only started writing my book in January and already I am over half way through! Didn't manage to finish it for February (which was my plan) but there were visitors to the house, and it kind of cut down on my writing time. However, plan to get back to writing and get it all done in March. Having some interest from the agent I sent off to, so that is a good incentive to write! :-)
Monday, February 27, 2006
Hello World
Hi, Mungo the monkey here. I'm a fun loving sort, who starting writing a novel in January of this year. It is a fantasy about monkeys - of course! I am almost finished (was hoping to be finished this month, but I think I might still be writing into the first few weeks of March). I hadn't really been thinking about getting an agent, thought I would approach publishers directly, but I queried an agent last week for a laugh and they asked to see some chapters!
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