Sunday, November 26, 2006

We have gone where we are appreciated

There are alot of animated movies about animals out at the moment (or about to come out) Barnyard, Flushed Away, Ratatouille, Happy Feet, Surfs Up, (to name a few) and I am thinking:-

1. Why are monkey's so under represented? Apart from Curious George, there are no monkey moveis.
2. Leaf would make a brilliant animated movie, why isn't it being snapped up?

The world is blind. My genius is wasted on humans. That is why we have all left to go somewhere we will be appreciated. Don't try to find us, but remember to vote for me in December.


Valpot said...


What's the point of voting for you in December when you have left us for another place?

I agree with you about Leaf - it's a fantastic book and would make a wonderful movie!

It always takes time for genius to be appreciated - so please give the fools a little more time!

Anonymous said...

Mungo - please come back. i appreciate you. please please please

Anonymous said...

Hi Mungo i hope i see you at the weekend - i would love to get a bday hug and kiss from you xxxxx