A good crowd turned out to the book launch. There were almost all the Nodpots (notable absences from Blueberry and Rusty) as well as many of my fans. Geri Valentine gave a lovely talk as did my dearest friend, Miss Monkey. I gave a reading from the book and Pamela read a short passage as well. Unfortunately the humour of her piece was over shadowed by some immature spectator from the back of the room who couldn't stop laughing over the words 'nut cases'. There is always one.
Book sales were good and I sold out my current stock of books, but don't panic fans - more are on their way.
I'm taking a break from writing for a few weeks to promote Mango, the Unlucky Monkey and then I'll be starting into Rainbow and the Mountain of Life in May. See you all at the next book launch (or catch you on the next leg of my nationwide tour)!
Mungo, you're THE BEST!!!
Me and Tottie can't stop reading it...
It's out of this world super-brilliant!!
Like its author xxx
Thanks Mango :)
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