Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Bad News

As most of you already know, Mango was not launched on Easter Monday. Mango was not launched at all. This is because it has been ridiculously delayed in being posted out to me. I am furious and I apologise to all my loyal fans for the delay. I will let you know when the launch date will be as soon as I have more information.

Third time lucky.


DN Reporter said...

Mungo, it's such a disappointment! Your fans are all devastated!

But one thing is for sure - it will be worth the wait!

Anonymous said...

poor mungo - you know what they say - if its worth having its worth waiting for. cant wait xox

Anonymous said...

the DN reporter looks like Parsley..

DN Reporter said...

Parsley and i are no relation whatsoever,a nd we don't look a bit alike!
Parsley is a handsome noble lion.
I am a beautiful young lady!

Time you got your eyes tested!!!!!

Anonymous said...
