Thursday, June 14, 2007

Heavy Weather

The last few days have been so hot and heavy I haven't been able to do anything but lounge on my cup and think about Rainbow (and talk to Miss Monkey too, of course). Then, today, it is so cold and dark, wet and windy, that I just want to curl up with some hot chocolate and snooze. Lesser geniuses than myself would use the weather as a comment on their writing, but my works speak for themselves.

Still no new competition entries.

Mungs xxx


Anonymous said...

Don't worry, Mungo - it's probably only cos most don't think they're worthy to Be Like Mungo!

But I'm sure some will be big-headed enought to think they can win your approval with their written words, so don't give up...

Anonymous said...

Hi Mungs - i have a great plan for my story and hope to have it soon for you.

lots of love XXXX

Mungo said...

To Anon - Mmm... do I detect a note of sarcasm in your post? It is true that their writing will not be as good as mine (whose is?) but you don't have to be big headed to enter my competition.

To Pinky - Hi. Glad you are entering. I look forward to reading your story in July. xxx